

                  MAKE IT HAPPEN!

6 steps 111875835731



Everyone should know by now that our planet is in a bad shape, and it will be even worse if we do not act now. The cost of inaction will not only be a multitude of those related to acting now, who is acting now will be the winner of the future.


Sustainability is not just about our climate; it is so much more. The United Nations created a framework around it, named the 17 Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDG’s1).


The need to change is clear, but many of us have difficulties taking ownership and are therefore lacking impactful measures.


Being certified by the GSTC (2) for Sustainable Business Travel, we can support you realising a sustainable travel program.

The typical MASSL approach encompasses 6 steps and is based on 4 pillars:

4 pillars 111875835580

1. United Nations https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/

2. Global Sustainable Tourism Council. https://www.gstcouncil.org/



How, when, where and why do we travel and where do you emit and spend most?

What is the impact of your company on local communities and nature?

How is the awareness of our management, our employees, our customers, and our supply chain?




Most people and companies believe their impact is not as important as somebody else’s. It is often not clear which department or what people in the company should be responsible, our advice is; you all are and all need to take ownership, from employees to management and the board, from Finance to Human Resources, to Safety & Security. Only together you can tackle this challenge by creating the right mindset and become successful with your travel program. Ownership should work both bottom-up as well as top-down.



"Feelings of ownership lead to greater job satisfaction, engagement, productivity and profits."
(Bhattacharrya 2020)



Rewrite your travel policy, use insight based on input from not only senior management but from all who have taken ownership and collaborate and co-create a new policy from bottom up, this will have more acceptance and therefore will be more successful.

We will help you create a one- or two-page document that is easy to understand, see below for an example.

Travel policy 111875835222

Some changes you can include are:


  • Change from a cost- to a footprint-based policy
  • Travel smart
  • Use internal cost for emission as your budget



  • Offset through a certified program
  • Your Duty of Care is in order (ISO 31030)
  • Implement a multi-disciplinary approval process
  • Use external and internal CO2 reporting



Board level:

  • Identify which actions will have the most impact,
  • Spread the word, lead by example, create awareness


Make it easy:

  • Show what matters to whom it matters at the time it matters! (Traveller/booker/approver need to make the right choice/decision at time of booking/approval)


Make it possible:

  • Keep a status-quo, this will be much easier than acting after you returned to how it used to be. We all learned in the past two years how to do things different; travel less, work more from home, use virtual meetings.


Make it insightful:

  • Where possible use CO2 reporting where a certified method is applied like DEFRA(UK), ICAO(UN), EPA(US), EEA(EU)
  • Use KPI’s and measure


Make it fun:

  • Communicate, inspire, engage, share, use competition/gaming




Share your pledge. Let customers, suppliers and investors know what your company is doing, and do what you are saying.

Lead by example, and make others follow!


Act together with your business travel supply chain to become more sustainable. Only together you can and will reach the necessary goals. Travel managers have the power to change their supply chain they just need to do it. For instance, by including some of the SDGs in your sourcing strategy and demanding it in your RFP’s and contracts with suppliers.


Improve your data quality and valuable insights.




  • Communicate/Share both internal and external
  • Evaluate at least each quarter, consult your advisory groups, and monitor and analyse your KPI’s
  • Ensure continuous improvement by keeping processes and technology in line with your progress
  • Realize a responsible supply chain (Hotels/Airlines/Car rental/Rail/Travel Agencies/ Security & Duty of Care partners/CO2 reporting/Offsetting partners)



Together we will make it happen! As there is no time to waste.


Please contact MASSL to find out more or for an appointment via:


Marijke@massl.nu                                                           mobile: +31 6 51602259

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Kind regards, MASSL people